summerise this in diffeSchool uniforms have been a pro/con discussion topic for many years to come. School uniforms show a side of multiple advantages where many solely focus on those advantages than the disadvantages of school uniforms. These advantages include the possible ‘increase’ of student safety, reducing peer pressure, bullying, enhancing ‘school pride’, etc. (In my opinion, I think school uniforms cannot stop bullying, peer pressure, and student safety.) In the actual reality of school uniforms, there’s many disadvantages to like; uniforms having a side effect on a students’ self-image, violates student’s right to freedom of expression, etc. According to an article by Rachel Mason, a staff writer that addresses both sides of the argument. School uniforms can have their benefits, disadvantages that cannot be hidden for so long. Adding onto that, school uniforms are expensive. In my belief of what Rachel Mason provides in the article, I think school uniforms should be banned from schools with the reasoning of the student’s rights to freedom of expression, they should be able to express themselves the way they want to in a calm manner. (dressing how they want to, talking the way they want to talk, etc.) Showing that students shouldn’t need an outfit picked out by the school for them to wear, they should show how they like to dress without being judged or criticized for it because of not having 3-inch straps, perfectly not ripped jeans, a shirt to cover their shoulders and arms, etc. There will always be different generations of clothing where in another part of my opinion, they need to update their dress code policy if any schools have one because some are very words

1 answer

School uniforms have many pros and cons, with some believing they can improve student safety, reduce bullying and peer pressure, and enhance school pride. However, others argue that uniforms can negatively impact students' self-image and violate their freedom of expression. School uniforms can also be expensive. Some believe that students should be allowed to express themselves freely through their clothing choices and that dress codes should be updated to reflect modern styles and attitudes.