Anne of Green Gables, written by L.M. Montgomery, is a classic piece of literature that tells the story of a young orphan girl named Anne Shirley. The novel is set in the late 1800s on Prince Edward Island, where Anne is mistakenly sent to live with the aging brother and sister, Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert.
The setting of Prince Edward Island plays a crucial role in the novel, as it is where Anne grows and develops into a young woman. Montgomery describes the island in great detail, highlighting its natural beauty and how it affects Anne: “The fields were silvery green with the young growth of oats, the large trees were dewy and cool, and in every hedgerow and almost every tree she could see a nest” (Montgomery 31). The island serves not only as a home for Anne, but also as a place of comfort and solace for her throughout her life.
The characters in the novel are dynamic and well-rounded, each with their own unique personalities and quirks. Anne, in particular, is a complex character who struggles with her identity and her place in the world. Despite her tragic past, she remains optimistic and enthusiastic about life: “Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it” (Montgomery 27). Marilla and Matthew also grow and change throughout the novel, adapting to the challenges of raising Anne and becoming surrogate parents to her.
The theme of the novel focuses on the power of imagination and its ability to transform one’s life. Anne is a dreamer and storyteller, and her vivid imagination allows her to see the world in a different way. Throughout the novel, she uses her imagination to make beauty out of the ordinary: “There's such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I'm such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne it would be ever so much more comfortable…” (Montgomery 40). Anne’s imagination not only helps her cope with the challenges of her life, but it also inspires those around her to see the world differently.
In conclusion, Anne of Green Gables is a timeless novel that explores the themes of imagination, identity, and family. The setting of Prince Edward Island, the dynamic characters, and the imaginative nature of the plot make it a captivating read that has stood the test of time. Montgomery’s writing is poetic and descriptive, painting a vivid picture of Anne’s world that transports the reader back in time. Through Anne’s journey, the novel encourages us to embrace our imagination and find beauty in the ordinary.
Works Cited
Montgomery, L.M. Anne of Green Gables. Penguin Group, 2017.
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