1. The importance of understanding and celebrating diversity: The movie emphasizes the unique strengths and talents that each individual possesses, and the need for society to appreciate and support those who may not fit into traditional molds. The character of Ishaan, a young boy with dyslexia, struggles in the conventional education system until he is given the opportunity to learn in a way that suits his learning style. The film underscores the importance of recognizing and accommodating the differences in individuals to help them reach their full potential.
2. The transformative power of compassion and empathy: The movie highlights the impact that a caring and compassionate teacher can have on a student who is struggling. The character of Ram Shankar Nikumbh, a new art teacher at the school, recognizes Ishaan's difficulties and takes the time to understand him, providing him with the support and encouragement he needs to excel academically and personally. Through his empathy and understanding, Nikumbh is able to help Ishaan gain confidence in himself and find joy in learning. The film showcases the profound effect that kindness and understanding can have on someone's life, demonstrating the transformative power of compassion.
Summarize two (2) main ideas in the movie like stars on earth
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