summarize this in 1 sentences: Cyrus mehri served as co-lead counsel in a suit against the coca-cola company representing four named plaintiffs and a class of 2,200 current and former salaire African American employees. The suit alleged that coca-cola employed racially discriminatory business practices that limited the professional advancement of African-American employees. Among a long list of allegedly inequitable business practice, the plaintiffs alleged a substantial difference in pay between African American and white employees; a " glass ceiling" that kept African Americans from advancing past entry-level management positions; " glass walls" that channeled African Americans to management in areas like human resources and away from power centers such as marketing and finance ; and that senior management had knowledge of these inequities since 1995 and failed to implement policies to remedy them"

1 answer

Cyrus Mehri co-led a lawsuit against Coca-Cola on behalf of 2,200 current and former African American employees, alleging racially discriminatory practices that hindered their career advancement and resulted in significant pay disparities, with senior management aware of these issues since 1995 yet failing to address them.