Summarize the germinal stage without changing the words, zygotr, conception, sperm, ovum, mitosis and fallopian tube

The germinal stage
Each of us begins our life as a zygote, a single cell not much larger than
the full stop at the end of this sentence. This is when conception has
occurred, when the male’s sperm cell has fertilized the female’s ovum
(egg). During this stage, the zygote divides into a number of identical cells by means of a process called mitosis. About
four days after conception, the cell mass, now comprising some 100 cells,
emerges from the fallopian tube and moves into the uterus. It is at
conception that our genetic heritage is determined, as the genes from the
sperm and those from the ovum merge to form a new and unique person.

1 answer

The germinal stage is when a zygote is formed through the process of conception, where a sperm fertilizes an ovum. The zygote divides through mitosis and moves from the fallopian tube to the uterus. Genetic heritage is determined at this stage as genes from the sperm and ovum combine to create a new and unique individual.