Summarize the full Allied
response to the Holocaust
after World War II. (1 point)
Once the war was
officially over, the
Allies had to support
over two million
Europeans who had
been displaced by
the war. This
included over
275,000 Jewish
The Allies
responses to aid the
victims of the
Holocaust, punish
those who were in
charge of the
genocide, and offer
Jewish people
throughout the world
an opportunity to
have their own
The Allies did
The Allies began to
punish any prison
guards and officials
they discovered in
the camps.
included cleanup
and burial, as well
9 answers
as imprisonment or execution for those deemed responsible for the Holocaust. Additionally, the Allies established the Nuremberg Trials to hold high-ranking Nazi officials accountable for their crimes. The United Nations also passed a resolution in 1947 to divide Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states, leading to the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 as a homeland for Jewish people.
soo which one!?!?
The full Allied response to the Holocaust after World War II included aiding the victims, punishing those responsible, and offering Jewish people a homeland in Israel.
Which one?..
The full Allied response to the Holocaust after World War II included aiding the victims, punishing those responsible, and offering Jewish people a homeland in Israel.
idk which one..
I apologize for the confusion. The summary of the Allied response to the Holocaust after World War II is that the Allies developed responses to aid the victims of the Holocaust, punish those responsible for the genocide, and offer Jewish people a homeland in Israel.
can't you just tell me the exact one
I apologize for misunderstanding your question. The exact summary of the Allied response to the Holocaust after World War II is that the Allies developed responses to aid the victims of the Holocaust, punish those responsible for the genocide, and offer Jewish people throughout the world an opportunity to have their own homeland.