SUmmarize the following in two sentence:
The results of this kind of analysis can create furtherinsight into the artifact finds distribution in the study areaand give occasion to reflect on the best survey strategies.The earlier production of analysis results can in principlealso lead to faster dissemination of research results. Infact, the speed of data collection and processing posesquestions to current research strategies, which are stillbased on the interpretation of artifacts by specialists.Because of the increased speed in which initial resultsbecome available, the existing practice of publishingpreliminary results based on rough interpretations ofmaterial has become even more interesting and the prob-lem of delay in detailed artifact interpretation has becomeaccentuated. For archaeologists working in areas whereit is not allowed to remove artifacts from their originalposition, as discussed by Tripcevich (2004), the increase ofonsite analysis potential would probably be very welcome.Finally, the availability of processed data and analysispossibilities increases the learning possibilities of studentsand therefore their motivation and commitment during thefieldwork
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