summarize in 2 sentences: The next day martial law was declared, not just in Chicago but throughout the nation. Anti-labor governments around the world used the Chicago incident to crush local union movements. In Chicago, labor leaders were rounded up, houses were entered without search warrants and union newspapers were closed down. Eventually eight men, representing a cross section of the labor movement were selected to be tried. Among them were Fielden, Parsons and a young carpenter named Louis Lingg, who was accused of throwing the bomb. Lingg had witnesses to prove he was over a mile away at the time. The two-month-long trial ranks as one of the most notorious in American history. The Chicago Tribune even offered to pay money to the jury if it found the eight men guilty.

On August 20, 1886,
the jury reported
its verdict of guilty.

1 answer

Martial law was declared nationwide following a violent incident in Chicago, leading to the suppression of labor movements and the arrest of union leaders, with a notorious trial of eight men, including Louis Lingg, ensued even though he had witnesses proving his alibi. On August 20, 1886, the jury found the eight men guilty amidst allegations of jury manipulation by the Chicago Tribune.