The signature requirements for initiating petitions and recall elections vary depending on the context. Under 2-5-1516, a petition must be signed by at least 15% of registered voters in a municipality or county. For recalling members of city Boards of Education or city councils, as stipulated in 6-31-301 and 6-31-306f respectively, at least 66% of the total votes cast for the highest-vote candidate in the last election for that position is required. Additionally, signature requirements may differ for government entities outside the state's recall law.
According to 2-5-1516, "petitions shall be signed by at least fifteen percent (15%) of those registered to vote in the municipality or county."
According to 6-31-301, which pertains to the recall of members of city Boards of Education, signatures of registered voters "equal in number to at least sixty-six percent (66%) of the total vote cast for the candidate for the board of education receiving the highest number of votes at the last regular election" are required to force a recall election. According to 6-31-306f, which pertains to the recall of members of city councils, signatures of "registered voters equal in number to at least sixty-six percent (66%) of the total vote cast for the office held by the incumbent at the last regular election" are required to force a recall election. Signatures requirements vary in government entities that are not covered by the state's recall law
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