- Romans and Greeks were aware of planets that can be seen without a telescope.
- They believed that the Sun, Moon, and stars revolved around the Earth.
- The belief that Earth was the center of the universe was supported by the fact that they couldn't feel the Earth moving.
- It made more sense to them that the rest of the universe was moving instead.
Summarise the main points from the powerpoint slide in the space below
Romans and Greeks knew about planets which can be seen without a telescope (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn). They could also see the Sun, Moon and stars from Earth.
It appeared to them as though the Sun, Moon and stars rotated
around the Earth. This led them to believe that Earth was the
centre of all these things.
The fact that we are not able to feel the Earth move also
led them to believe that Earth was at the centre. Since
they couldn’t feel it moving, it made sense to them that
it was much more likely that the rest of the universe was
moving instead.
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