Summarise in your own words:
Article 28A: International criminal jurisdiction of the Court
1. Subject to the right of appeal, the International Criminal Law Section of the Court shall have power to try persons for the crimes provided hereunder:
(1) Genocide
(2) Crimes against humanity
(3) War crimes
(4) The crime of unconstitutional change of government;
(5) Piracy
(6) Terrorism
(7) Mercenarism
(8) Corruption
(9) Money laundering
(10) Trafficking in persons
(11) Trafficking in drugs
(12) Trafficking in hazardous wastes
(13) Illicit exploitation of natural resources
(14) The crime of aggression
2. The Assembly may extend upon the consensus of States Parties the jurisdiction of the Court to incorporate additional crimes to reflect developments in international law.
3. The crimes within the Jurisdiction of the Court shall not be subject to any statute of limitations.
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