summarise in your own words:

Article 27
Irrelevance of official capacity
1.This Statute shall apply equally to all persons without any distinction based on official capacity. In particular, official capacity as a Head of State or Government, a member of a Government or parliament, an elected representative or a government official shall in no case exempt a person from criminal responsibility under this Statute, nor shall it, in and of itself, constitute a ground for reduction of sentence.
2. Immunities or special procedural rules which may attach to the official capacity of a person, whether under national or international law, shall not bar the Court from exercising its jurisdiction over such a person.

1 answer

Article 27 of the Statute states that all individuals are subject to criminal responsibility under the law, regardless of their official position. This means that being a Head of State, government official, or other official capacity does not exempt a person from prosecution or reduce their punishment. Immunities or special rules based on official capacity also do not prevent the Court from holding individuals accountable for their actions. In summary, no one is above the law under this Statute.
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