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Another governance mechanism that has been proposed is
an international registry of all experiments and research programs that involve human genome
editing (85). The registry would provide information on the ethical approval of the study and the
objective of the study, as well as identifying the researchers, institution, location, and proposed
dates of the study (85). Before completing its final report, the WHO expert committee on gene
editing issued an interim recommendation that the WHO establish a trial registry of all somatic
and heritable human gene editing clinical trials (107), and the WHO accepted this recommendation
and has already begun piloting such a registry (108).

1 answer

An additional proposed governance mechanism is the creation of an international registry for all experiments and research programs involving human genome editing (85). This registry would include details on the study's ethical approval, objectives, researchers, institutions, locations, and intended study timelines (85). Prior to finalizing its report, the WHO expert committee on gene editing recommended that the WHO set up a trial registry for all clinical trials related to somatic and heritable human gene editing (107). The WHO has accepted this recommendation and has started piloting the registry (108).