HEENT Physical Examination Report for Pregnant Woman:
Head: Normocephalic, atraumatic. No signs of swelling, lesions, or tenderness. Hair is intact and evenly distributed. Eyes: Pupils equal, round, and reactive to light. Conjunctiva and sclera are pink and moist. No signs of jaundice or excessive tearing. Visual acuity is intact. Ears: Normal shape and alignment. Tympanic membranes are intact and pearly gray in color. No signs of drainage or inflammation. Hearing is intact bilaterally. Nose: Nasal mucosa is pink and moist. Septum is midline. No signs of nasal congestion or discharge. Sinuses are non-tender. Throat: Oropharynx appears pink and moist. Tonsils are not enlarged. No signs of exudate or lesions. Gums are pink and healthy. No signs of dental caries. Neck: Neck is symmetrical. Thyroid gland is non-palpable. No lymphadenopathy or masses. Range of motion is normal. Overall, the HEENT examination for this pregnant woman is unremarkable.
suggest me HEENT physical examination report which are pertinent for pregnant woman
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