suggest me HEENT physical examination report for post delivery woman for my seminar presentation

1 answer

HEENT Physical Examination Report for Post-Delivery Woman:

The patient is a 30-year-old female who delivered a healthy baby girl via C-section one week ago. The patient denies any significant issues during the delivery process and reports a normal recovery post-delivery.

General Appearance:
The patient appears well-nourished and in no acute distress. She is alert and oriented with normal behavior and demeanor.

Normocephalic and atraumatic. No tenderness or deformities noted. Hair is clean and well-groomed.

Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. Extraocular movements are intact. Conjunctiva is pink and clear. Sclerae are anicteric.

External ears are symmetrical and without lesions. No discharge or effusion noted. Whisper test reveals intact hearing bilaterally.

Nares are patent with no signs of nasal discharge or congestion. Patient denies any current complaints of nasal stuffiness or sinus pressure.

Oral mucosa is pink and moist. No lesions, sores, or discoloration noted. Dentition is intact with no signs of caries. Patient has good oral hygiene.

Oropharynx is clear with no erythema or exudates. Tonsils are not enlarged. Patient has no complaints of sore throat or difficulty swallowing.

No cervical lymphadenopathy or thyromegaly noted. Neck is supple with full range of motion. Trachea is midline.

Overall, the patient appears in good health with no significant abnormalities identified during the HEENT examination. The patient is advised to continue with routine postnatal care and follow-up appointments with her healthcare provider.