HEENT Physical Examination Report:
Patient Name: [Insert Patient Name]
Date of Examination: [Insert Date]
General Appearance:
The patient appears well-nourished and in no apparent distress. She is alert and oriented with appropriate posture and gait. No signs of acute distress noted.
The patient's head is normocephalic without any visible deformities or lesions. Hair distribution is normal and scalp is without any tenderness or masses. Eyes are symmetrical with equal size and shape. Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation. Visual acuity is [insert result if applicable]. Extraocular movements are intact. No ptosis or nystagmus noted. Eyebrows are evenly distributed and without any flaking or crusting. No signs of periorbital edema or discoloration are noted.
The external ears are symmetrical and without any lesions or deformities. Ear canals are patent and without any discharge or tympanic membrane abnormalities. Whispered voice test reveals intact hearing bilaterally. Weber and Rinne tests are within normal limits.
The patient's nose is midline and without any deformities. Nasal mucosa is pink and moist. No signs of nasal discharge or epitaxis are noted. Septum is intact and without deviation. Olfactory function is intact bilaterally.
The oral mucosa is pink and moist. Teeth are in good repair with no visible decay. Gums are pink and without signs of inflammation. Tongue is midline and without any lesions or discoloration. Throat is without any tonsillar enlargement, exudates, or erythema. No lesions or masses noted in the oropharynx.
The patient's neck is supple with full range of motion. No lymphadenopathy or masses appreciated. Thyroid gland is not palpable. Carotid pulses are 2+ and equal bilaterally. Trachea is midline without any deviation.
Overall, the patient's HEENT examination is within normal limits. No abnormalities or concerning findings noted. Further investigations or referrals are not warranted at this time.
Physical Examination performed by: [Insert Examiner's Name]
This report is accurate to the best of my knowledge.
[Insert Your Name]
[Insert Date]
suggest me HEENT physical examination report for gyni for my seminar presentation
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