The thesis statement is: "I would lower expenses and cut services to get rid of debt."
The rest of your paragraph is good.
Sue this mohammad’s sister, his computer not working. He need help with his work today. Imagine urself as the prime minister or minister of finance, what would you do about the debt the Canadian government carrying. Need thesis statement, evidence, and conclusion.He not know a lot about government he try and this what he write:
I lower incomes and cut services to get rid of debt. I lower incomes seeing everyones financial status. Services i cut be transportation because if people choose walking instead of taking bus, then that put decrease in pollution which good for environment and money go towards debt. I also cut down dollar on pension which make big difference on debt we owe. I be able to balance the budget. Walking and riding a bike forms of good transportation, give you exercise and save money, everyone be able to do this.
10 answers
Thanks ms. Sue you have any more ideas on what to do, i try help Mohammad i not know how to make 250 words. You please edit his paragraph it need to have no mistake if you do i appreciate thanks
As I've told Mohammad, please don't worry about English mistakes. His writing is clearly understood.
Other ways to pay off the government debt:
Raise taxes on the middle class and the rich.
Cut expenses in addition to cutting transportation. What other ways can you think of?
How about getting rid of some government employees?
Other ways to pay off the government debt:
Raise taxes on the middle class and the rich.
Cut expenses in addition to cutting transportation. What other ways can you think of?
How about getting rid of some government employees?
To cut expenses that mean to not spend on consumer goods? You please explain to me what it mean getting rid of government employees. That mean they lose their job so they not get money right. Well I also think cutting back on services like recreation and sports, but so many love sports how I stop this?
When a family or a government is in debt, everyone must sacrifice a little. I don't think the Canadian government spends any money on sports, so cutting sports would not help the debt.
When the government cuts expenses, it doesn't pay as much for social programs like pensions and medical care. Getting rid of some government employees means they lose their jobs. Maybe Canada could get rid of its military forces.
When the government cuts expenses, it doesn't pay as much for social programs like pensions and medical care. Getting rid of some government employees means they lose their jobs. Maybe Canada could get rid of its military forces.
I also Cut spending on for recreational purposes? How do i do this? Recreational purposes mean going to movies and stuff.
The government doesn't go to movies.
Your question asks how the Canadian government can cut expenses and pay its debt.
Your question asks how the Canadian government can cut expenses and pay its debt.
What about public facilities (park, library) can i cut spending on that? I so stuck helping my brother you see :( We not know nothing of government.
Yes. Public facilities like parks, libraries, and schools can be cut.
Here's a list of all of the things that Canada's government pays for: