Subtraction grade 2 lesson plan

1 answer

Title: Subtracting Two-digit Numbers

Grade Level: 2nd

- Students will be able to subtract two-digit numbers with and without regrouping.
- Students will develop an understanding of place value in relation to subtraction.

- Whiteboard or blackboard
- Markers or chalk
- Manipulatives such as base-ten blocks or linking cubes
- Math worksheets or workbooks with subtraction problems
- Number cards (0-9)


1. Warm-up activity: (5 minutes)
- Begin the lesson by reviewing addition and place value concepts briefly.
- Ask students to think of a real-life situation where subtraction is used.
- Start a discussion by asking students to share their ideas.

2. Introduction to subtraction: (10 minutes)
- Write the number 43 on the board. Explain that in subtraction, we take away a number from another number to find the difference.
- Model subtraction using place value blocks. Use 23 as the number to be subtracted. Show students how to "take away" 23 from 43 by trading or regrouping if necessary.
- Discuss the importance of understanding place value in subtraction.

3. Guided practice: (15 minutes)
- Distribute manipulatives and individual worksheets or workbooks.
- Assign subtraction problems with and without regrouping.
- Monitor students as they work, providing assistance where needed.
- Encourage students to use manipulatives to support their understanding of the concept.

4. Independent practice: (15 minutes)
- Distribute another set of subtraction problems or provide individual whiteboards and markers.
- Allow students to solve the problems independently.
- Circulate the classroom to provide individual support and guidance.

5. Wrap-up activity: (10 minutes)
- Create a subtraction game using number cards. Divide the class into pairs or small groups.
- Each group takes turns drawing two number cards and subtracting one from the other.
- Encourage students to explain their thinking and discuss any regrouping that may be necessary.
- Play the game for several rounds, allowing students to practice and reinforce their subtraction skills.

6. Closing discussion: (5 minutes)
- Ask students to reflect on what they have learned about subtraction.
- Discuss any difficulties they encountered and how they overcame them.
- Summarize the key points of the lesson and remind students to keep practicing their subtraction skills at home.

- Provide additional challenging subtraction problems for students who finish early.
- Create a subtraction word problem worksheet where students need to identify the operation needed to solve the problem.

- Monitor students' progress and understanding throughout the lesson and provide feedback during guided practice and independent practice.
- Use the completed worksheets or workbooks to assess students' ability to subtract two-digit numbers with and without regrouping.