To subtract 9 7/10 from 6 1/4, we need to first find a common denominator.
The common denominator for 10 and 4 is 20.
Next, we convert 9 7/10 and 6 1/4 to improper fractions.
9 7/10 = (10 * 9 + 7)/10 = 97/10
6 1/4 = (4 * 6 + 1)/4 = 25/4
Now, we can subtract the fractions:
97/10 - 25/4 = (97/10) * (2/2) - (25/4) * (5/5)
= (194/20) - (125/20)
= (194 - 125)/20
= 69/20
Converting 69/20 back to a mixed number, we get 3 9/20.
Therefore, the difference is 3 9/20.
Subtract 9 7/10−6 1/4
. What is the difference?(1 point)
15 19/20
2 9/20
3 1/2
3 9/20
1 answer