To subtract 23,751 from 56,879, you align the numbers vertically with the units in their respective places:
- 23,751
Starting from the rightmost column, subtract 1 from 9, and since 9 is smaller than 1, you borrow 1 from the tens column, making the 7 in the tens column a 6, and the 8 in the thousands column a 7. So far, the equation looks like:
- 23,751
Now, subtract 1 from 19, which gives you 18. Write 8 below the line in your answer and reduce your borrow by 1 so that it becomes 6. The equation now looks like:
- 23,751
Next, subtract 5 from 7, which gives you 2. Write 2 below the line in your answer. The equation now looks like:
- 23,751
Finally, subtract 3 from 5, which gives you 2. Write 2 below the line in your answer. The equation now looks like:
- 23,751
Therefore, when you subtract 23,751 from 56,879, the result is 28,289.
Subtract 23,751 from 56,879.
1 answer