To subtract mixed fractions, we need to find a common denominator. The common denominator here is 40.
15 3/8 can be rewritten as 15 15/40 (because 8 multiplied by 5 is 40).
11 1/5 can be rewritten as 11 8/40 (because 5 multiplied by 8 is 40).
Now let's subtract the fractions:
15 15/40 - 11 8/40 = 4 7/40
Therefore, the answer is C) 4 7/40.
Subtract: 15 3 / 8 – 11 1/ 5 Write the answer in simplest form
Choose the best answer from the options below:
A 1 67/40
B 3 7/10
C 4 7/40
D 4 2/3
1 answer