Subordinate Groups: Native Americans, African Americans, Chinese Americans, Japanese Americans, Arab Americans, Filipino Americans, Korean Americans, Vietnamese Americans, Asian Indians, Hawaiians, Irish Americans, Polish Americans, Norwegian Americans, Jewish Americans, Cuban Americans, Mexican Americans, and Puerto Ricans.

• Identify and describe which, if any, of these creation and consequence situations the group has faced:

o Creation: migration, annexation, or colonization
o Consequences: extermination, expulsion, secession, segregation, fusion, or assimilation

• Write a fictional, first-person account of the creation and consequence situations of a subordinate group in the United States in the form of a 700- to 1,050-word journal entry.

• Describe, as if you were a member of that subordinate group, where the group originated, how it came to the United States, and one or two locations in the United States where members of your group live. Be creative in your fictional descriptions, but accurate with your facts. Search through chapters of the text, the Internet, or the University Library for information about your chosen group.

11 answers

One place you can start is on the Internet. I found some information by Googling Chinese immigration history and Japanese immigration history.
You are in University of Phoenix aren't you. I'm looking for the same answer!
Email me at arlyngreen at(use the and symbol) bellsouth dot net and I can give you the website that you can find some information on this. I was trying to send you the website on where you could find this and accordg to this website I am not allowed to post internet addresses.
Need help with this.
need help also
How do I write a fictional journal entry
need help finding information on fusion with the Native Americans
I also need help
I am with university of phoenix and I am having problems with the journal entry on subordinate group like what is listed at top of paper. I was trying to do it on Native Americans and I am not finding anything or maybe not going to the right site. please help.
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