Submit your completed work from the "Explore: Famous People" assignment.

Type or copy/paste your assignment for submission here.

Research and write in two well-developed English paragraphs (4-6 sentences each), a brief biography about one noteworthy Latino/a from the list.

Policarpa Salavarrieta, Juan Martín de Porres Velázquez, Antonia Novello, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Lisa Fernandez

In paragraph one describe where your person is from, and what line of work they do/did.
Include interesting details about the person's life and events that the person has/had experienced that are significant.
Give a time frame of when these events occurred.

In paragraph two describe the famous Latino/a's important contributions to his/her country, to Spanish speaking culture, his/her career, etc.
What made this person famous or historical?
Why does he/she stand out above all the others?
If this person created something (art, music, legislation, literature), what are your thoughts about a particular work?
If this person liberated or fought for something, what is one question you may want to ask them?

Use outside sources (Internet, books, magazines, etc.) to gather information for this assignment. However, be sure not to copy the information directly from those sources. Copying information and presenting it as your own work is plagiarism and will result in a failing grade. You need to rephrase the information into your own words, and cite the source of the information you used.

You will be graded with emphasis on task completion and message/organization for the (1) evidence of research conducted, (2) appropriateness of response, and (3) overall quality of response using the World Language Writing Rubric.

Native-like can be loosely interpreted for speakers of languages other than English. Target language is presumed as English for this assignment. See Course Documents for rubric.

1 answer

Juan Martín de Porres Velázquez was a notable Latino figure from Peru. He was born in Lima, Peru on December 9, 1579. Porres was a friar in the Dominican Order and is known for his incredible compassion and healing abilities. Despite facing discrimination and being of mixed-race, Porres overcame these obstacles and became a revered figure in his community. He dedicated his life to serving others and alleviating the suffering of those around him.

Porres is famous for his contributions to the religious and medical fields. He has been canonized as a saint by the Catholic Church and is considered the patron saint of barbers, public health workers, and mixed-race people. His devotion to helping others and his ability to perform miraculous healings made him a beloved figure in Peru and beyond. His legacy continues to inspire people today, as he serves as a symbol of perseverance and compassion.

One of the most notable works associated with Porres is his dedication to caring for the sick during the plague that devastated Lima in 1629. Despite the risk to his own health, Porres tirelessly attended to the needs of the sick, offering comfort and healing to those who were suffering. His selfless actions during this time demonstrate his unwavering commitment to helping others, even in the face of adversity.

If I had the opportunity to ask Juan Martín de Porres Velázquez a question, I would ask how he found the strength and determination to continue serving others despite the discrimination he faced. I would also ask him for advice on how to cultivate empathy and compassion in one's own life, as these were clearly two of his most defining qualities. Porres' life serves as an inspiration for all, reminding us of the power of kindness and the ability to make a difference in the lives of others.