Subjects and Predicates:
Copy each sentence. Draw a line between the complete subject and the complete predicate. Underline the simple subject once and underline the simple predicate twice.
1. Edgar Allan Poe lived a double life in many ways.
CS:Edgar Allan Poe
CP: lived a double life in many ways
SS: Poe?
SP: lived
2. The writer struggled throughout his life for respectability and financial stability.
CS: the writer
CP: struggled throughout his life for respectability and financial stability
SS: writer
3. Poe rarely received more than $100 for his most brilliant stories.
CS: Poe
CP: rarely receieved more than $100 for his most brillian stories
SS: Poe
SP: received
4. Poe was adopted by John Allan, a Richmond merchant, after the death of his itinerant actor parents.
CS: Poe
CP: was adopted by John Allan, a Richmond merchant, after the death of his itinerant actor parents
SS: Poe
SP: was adopted
5. As a young, ambitious man, Poe enrolled in the University of Virginia.
CS: Poe
CP: enrolled in the University of Virginia
SS: Poe
SP: enrolled
6. The brilliant yet unstable university student had incurred many debts before long.
CS: the brilliant yet unstable university student
CP: had incurred many debts before long
SS: student
SP: had incurred
7. Allan was enraged by his talented adopted son's lack of discipline.
CS: Allan
CP: was enraged by his talented adopted son's lack of discipline
SS: Allan
SP: was enraged
8. Unfortunately, Poe never inherited any of the Allan fortune.
CS: Poe
CP: inherited any of the Allan fortune
SS: Poe
SP: never? inherited
9. Poe wrote short stories, poems, and criticism after finishing a stint in the military.
CS: Poe
CP: wrote short stories, poems, and criticism after finishing a stint in the military
SS: Poe
SP: wrote
10. The unhappy genius authored such impressive works as "The Fall of the House of Usher" and "The Gold Bug."
CS: the unhappy genius
CP: authored such impressive works ad "The Fall of the House of Usher" and "The Gold Bug."
SS: genius
SP: authored
2 answers
2. right
3. right
4. right
5. Rethink the CS; the rest is right.
6. right
7. right
8. What will you do with "Unfortunately"? And "never" is an adverb; the rest is right.
9. right
10. right