subject verb agreement:have or has
" " " -reqire or requires
" " " are not or is not
regular and irregular verbs: are not or is not.
become or became, taken or took, lay or laid.
correct form of be and have in the present tense.
was or am.
verb form and verb tense:
have or appeared, built or have.
Identifying antecedents:
students, or class, doctors or patients.
Pronoun antecedent agreement:
them or he she,his/her or their,they are or it is.
Pronoun antecedent agreement with idefinite pronouns: their or his, their or his/her.
Pronoun case: than me or than I, she or her.
Pronoun case for who and whom: who or whom.
Vague pronouns: when the car hit a tree,or it crashed into a tree.
Vague Pronoun:
this increasing pollution is a big problem for many cities, or this is a bis problem for many cities.
5 answers
If these are examples of various grammar forms, then you haven't made this clear.
For instance, what are you trying to show in this example? You have no subjects in these phrases.
subject verb agreement:have or has
" " " -reqire or requires
" " " are not or is not
Please clarify.
has/or have, require/required, are/is not.
Basic Principle: Singular subjects need singular verbs; plural subjects need plural verbs. My brother is a nutritionist. My sisters are mathematicians.