national pride = admiration for one's country
love of nature = admiration for the out of doors and the creatures who dwell there
supernatural = something that can't be explained by natural law
Subject American Romanticism
what are the meanings of national pride, love of nature, and supernatural??? please help me!!
10 answers
thank you so much!!!
You're very welcome.
i don't know how to start my paper so it grabs the readers attention! r u a teacher?
Yes, I'm a teacher.
What is your thesis statement for your paper? What details in your paper support your thesis?
In other words -- what did you say in your paper?
What is your thesis statement for your paper? What details in your paper support your thesis?
In other words -- what did you say in your paper?
i havent wrote my paper like okay here is the directions from my teacher: The purpose of this paper is to see how well you understand he elements of American Romanticism. You will creat an essay on the piece of literature you have picked in which you discuss the suthor's use of the six elements of Romanticism in their work. My piece of Lit. i have picked is "from Walden, or Life in the Woods" By Henry David Thoreau.
That's one of my favorite works. You should be able to write an excellent essay.
I urge you, though, that you follow the directions for essay writing in this site. Note that the introduction is one of the last parts that you write.
I urge you, though, that you follow the directions for essay writing in this site. Note that the introduction is one of the last parts that you write.
okk thank you have u read that story?? Im not very good at english and really the only reason I am writing it is to pass the class!!
I've read some of the essays in Walden. I've also visited the cabin site twice.
its not hard its just complacated especially when she (my teacher) did really explain the whole paper 100%