SUB; Appeal For A Failing Grade Received In Analytical Chemistry.

I am Moses Puke with ID# 2021313086, writing to appeal for a supplemental exam for the CHE 431 course that I failed at Level 4. The reasons for my failure stem from various issues that I believe warrant a second chance for me and my fellow environmental science students.
Firstly, the course is an advanced chemistry level that I was not adequately prepared for. I did not take chemistry courses in Years 2 and 3, which impacted my ability to grasp the concepts and pass the course.
Additionally, the lack of guidance from course advisors to take extra chemistry courses in previous years further hindered my understanding of the material. If the course advisors had properly instructed me earlier to take an extra chemistry course, then I could have had enough concepts of chemistry. But I took what was given during the course signing. Therefore, I struggled and gave all my best with sleepless nights but I failed.
This, combined with the fact that students have different learning paces and abilities-- all the environmental science students we are in the same situation but some catch onto things quickly and are fast learners, while some take time to understand the concepts. I am one of the slow learners that contributes to my failing the course. Because mostly CHE 431 deals with calculation.
I faced unexpected personal obstacles that had a significant impact on my academic performance. One of the challenges I encountered was not studying for the first test, which happened to coincide with the suspension of academic activities by the office of the Vice Chancellor, Dr. Teng Waninga. This suspension was due to a petition written by student leaders and the student body addressing law and order issues in Goroka, particularly following the murder of a Southern Highlands male student by locals in Goroka. The incident created fear among the student body, including myself, as I lived next to the victim. I did not anticipate having a test during this tumultuous time.
As a result, I arrived late to the test, along with a few other students led by Jonathan Andrew. Despite my lateness, I was able to take the test, but unfortunately, I scored the lowest out of all the students.
I am optimistic for a positive resolution to this situation. I have provided relevant documents attached for your review
As this is my final year, and many final year students are preparing for Industrial Training and practical traveling programs, I urge you to reconsider my situation and grant me the opportunity to do a supplemental exam. I am willing to put in the effort and dedication to improve my grades and successfully pass the course. Please give me a second chance to make use of it again.
I hope that you will take into consideration the challenges I faced and the genuine effort I am willing to put forth in order to rectify my grades. Thank you for your time and understanding.
From the above information given, State two main points in five words

1 answer

1. Lack of preparedness for course
2. Personal obstacles affecting performance