Studying humans, whales, and horses, which of the following set of similarities would be evidence for the most recent common ancestor
3 answers
The set of similarities between humans and whales would provide evidence for the most recent common ancestor, as humans and whales both belong to the mammalian clade, while horses belong to the equine clade.
In studying humans, whales, and horses, which of the following set of similarities would be evidence for the most recent common ancestor? please dont get the answer wrong
A. they all have hair.
B. they all have internal skeletons.
C. they are all mammals.
D. they all have similar bones in their limbs.
A. they all have hair.
B. they all have internal skeletons.
C. they are all mammals.
D. they all have similar bones in their limbs.
In studying humans, whales, and horses, which of the following set of similarities would be evidence for the most recent common ancestor? please dont get the answer wrong
A. they all have hair.
B. they all have internal skeletons.
C. they are all mammals.
D. they all have similar bones in their limbs.
A. they all have hair.
B. they all have internal skeletons.
C. they are all mammals.
D. they all have similar bones in their limbs.