I would use the following arguments in my paper for better school lunches:
1. Students learn better when they aren't hungry: This argument highlights the importance of providing nutritious and satisfying meals to students. When students have access to quality lunches, they are more likely to be focused, attentive, and engaged in their academic activities, ultimately contributing to better learning outcomes.
2. Students will eat all of their lunches instead of throwing them away: This argument emphasizes the reduction of food waste. By offering appetizing and appealing lunches, students will be encouraged to consume their entire meals, minimizing the amount of food being thrown away. This not only reduces food wastage but also promotes sustainable practices within the school environment.
3. If more people bought lunches, more people would need to be hired: This argument supports the economic benefits of implementing better school lunches. Improved lunches can attract more students to opt for school meals, leading to an increased demand. Consequently, this would create job opportunities for cafeteria staff, boosting local employment and contributing to economic growth.
4. Students will want to come to school for the good lunches: This argument underscores the potential increase in student attendance rates. When schools provide nutritious and delicious lunches, it becomes a motivating factor for students to come to school regularly. Moreover, it helps foster a positive perception of the school among students, parents, and the community, further encouraging engagement in education.
By using these arguments, the paper would demonstrate the multifaceted benefits and positive outcomes that can arise from implementing better school lunches.
Students will eat all of their lunches instead of throwing them away.
Lunches would cost more money.
Students learn better when they aren't hungry.
If more people bought lunches, more people would need to be hired.
Students will want to come to school for the good lunches.
Students only want junk food.
Which of these arguments would you use if you were writing a paper for better school lunches?
1 answer