Students reflect on the course Sociology of the Social movements in a roughly half a page to one-page “journal entry”. How, if at all has the course shaped or changed their point of view? What did they think of the material and activities? What did you enjoy, what did you hate? What would you do differently? If you are struggling, what are you struggling with in the course? Why do you think you are struggling? Please discuss these reflections in the tut.

In your answers please respond to specific details and try to be as descriptive as possible. The questions are just a guideline, you do not have to respond to all of them and if you would like to reflect on different elements, you are more than welcome to. We just want to understand what your experiences in relation to the course has been, especially tutorials, lectures and the assessments, so please be as open as possible.
The following 2 questions are compulsory and carry an automatic 2 marks. But please don't feel compelled to say yes, if you respond "no", you will still be awarded your 2 marks. If you say "no" to Q1, please ignore Q2;
1. Can you feedback be used in future research? (Yes/ No)
2. If yes, you you like your responses to be anonymous or not? (Keep me anonymous/ My identity can be shared)

1 answer

1. Yes
2. Keep me anonymous

Journal Entry:

Taking the course Sociology of the Social Movements has truly been eye-opening and thought-provoking for me. I have always been interested in social movements and activism, but this course has deepened my understanding and appreciation for the complexities involved. The material covered in the lectures was incredibly engaging and provided me with a new perspective on the ways in which social movements can bring about meaningful change in society.

One aspect of the course that I particularly enjoyed was the opportunity to analyze and discuss different case studies of social movements around the world. This allowed me to see the commonalities and differences between movements, as well as the various strategies employed by activists to achieve their goals. The activities in the tutorials were also very informative, as they helped me to apply theoretical concepts to real-world examples.

However, there were some aspects of the course that I found challenging, such as keeping up with the heavy workload and the extensive reading materials. I often found myself struggling to balance my other commitments with the demands of the course, which affected my ability to fully engage with the material.

In the future, I would like to see more interactive and discussion-based activities in the tutorials, as I believe that this would help to deepen my understanding of the course content. Overall, I am grateful for the opportunity to take this course and feel that it has had a significant impact on my perspective on social movements and activism.