Student will create a One-Pager to demonstrate knowledge of the body systems in a human. This must be handwritten. *Students that have accommodations, please follow your educational plan. WHAT IS A ONE-PAGER?: A One-Pager is a way of responding to a specific topic in your lessons. It represents your own written and graphic interpretation of what you have learned. It may be very literal (just based on the facts or information of the content) or it may be a symbolic representation of the content. It helps you to visualize what you are learning (examples below) VOCABULARY REQUIRED OPTIONAL (Should use at least 6 for full credit) Homeostasis Cell Nervous System Circulatory System Stimuli Tissue Respiratory System Skeletal System Response Organ Muscular System Digestive System Body System Organ System Excretory System SPECIFIC GUIDELINES AND REQUIREMENTS MINOR REQUIREMENTS: Must be on standard-size, white, unlined computer paper Must fill entire page Writing/text should NOT be in pencil. You can use pen, marker, colored pencil, etc. and it must be legible Use colored pencils, markers, or crayons to color your page. You must use at least 3 colors (pencil/pen does not count) MAJOR REQUIREMENTS (May be arranged on the page anyway you choose): Must include an easy-to-see, creative title that represents the topic Must include a border directly related to the topic Must include 3 pictures (separate from border) Must include 4 required + 6 optional vocabulary words in some context. Underline the vocabulary words you use Must include 2 facts (one each) about different body systems. Label your facts Must include 2 higher-level questions* and answers (hint: check your Connexus lessons for help): *Higher level questions cannot be answered in one or two words, a phrase, or even one sentence. The answer to a higher-level question takes explanation - at least two or more sentences. Example of higher- level question: Explain how you would know whether a galaxy was moving towards or away from the Milky Way. How would the seasons be affected if the Earth was impacted by an asteroid that changed the degree of Earth’s tilt? Non-examples: List the four seasons. What is the definition of absolute magnitude? Must include a written explanation of what you learned on the back of your one pager or on a separate sheet of paper. This should be one paragraph explaining what you learned about body systems (5-6 sentences, 250 words). Be sure to include the 4 required vocab words and an additional 6 from the list above. EVIDENCE OF COMPLETION: Make sure everything on the One-Pager can be read clearly You will need to upload a picture of your one-pager + your written explanation to the drop box on Pearson Online Classroom (Unit 3, Lesson 12) *For convenience, it is a good idea to combine your one-pager and written explanation into one file (although it is not necessary). The combined file can be a Google Doc, Microsoft Word document, Google Slide, or PowerPoint presentation. If you receive an error stating that your file is too big, you will need to save it as a PDF and then upload the PDF to the drop box (ask your teacher if you need help with this) RUBRIC 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point Appearance and organization Neat, clear, shows brainstorming, organization, effort, and creativity Effort is shown but there is room for improvement, info is organized Lacks neatness, shows lack of effort and/or organization Sloppy and disorganized Borders, color, creativity Shows creative, new, and/or original ways to display information Attempts to use creative, new, and/or original way to display information but relies on some expected ways Very few attempts to use creative, new, and/or original ways to display information No attempt to display information in creative, new, and/or original way Vocabulary All words included Missing 1-3 words Missing 4-6 words Missing more than 6 words Pictures Exceeds expectations with extra effort Meets criteria Is missing one or more of the criteria Is missing all of the required criteria Facts/ connections Facts are correct, appropriate, interesting Facts are mostly correct, appropriate, somewhat interesting Some information is correct but there is some that is not correct Facts are not related to the topic or entirely incorrect Higher-level Questions and Answers Relevant to topic, from the appropriate knowledge level, answered About topic, not from appropriate knowledge level, answered Not about topic or from appropriate knowledge level, or not answered Not about topic, appropriate knowledge level, and unanswered EXAMPLES Do NOT try to recreate these One-Pagers. Not only are they the wrong topic but they might not meet all of the guidelines listed above. To print this page you must highlight the text and then right click on the text and select “print”.
11 answers
Here's a guide to help you create your One-Pager on the body systems in a human!
"Understanding the Human Body Systems" (make it bold and creative)
Create a border using symbols related to body systems, such as hearts for the circulatory system, lungs for the respiratory system, or bones for the skeletal system.
A diagram of the human body showing major systems (label each system).
An illustration of the heart indicating how blood circulates through the body (label).
A visual of the lungs showing how oxygen enters the bloodstream (label).
Vocabulary Words:
Homeostasis: The body's ability to maintain a stable internal environment.
Cell: The basic unit of life that makes up all body systems.
Organ System: A group of organs that work together to perform a specific function (e.g., the digestive system).
Muscular System: The system responsible for movement in the body.
Respiratory System: The system responsible for gas exchange (oxygen and carbon dioxide).
Circulatory System: The system that transports blood and nutrients throughout the body.
Skeletal System: Provides structure and support to the body.
Nervous System: Responsible for transmitting signals between different parts of the body.
Underline each vocabulary word as you use it.
Fact about the Circulatory System: The circulatory system is comprised of the heart, blood vessels, and blood, and is responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients to cells while removing waste.
Fact about the Respiratory System: The respiratory system allows the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs, facilitating breathing and maintaining homeostasis.
Label these facts clearly on your One-Pager.
Higher-Level Questions & Answers:
Question: How does the nervous system interact with the muscular system to produce movement?
Answer: The nervous system sends signals from the brain to the muscles, providing instructions to contract or relax. This interaction is essential for all voluntary movements, allowing us to perform tasks such as walking, running, or even typing. The coordination between these systems ensures smooth and efficient movement.
Question: Explain the importance of homeostasis in the human body and how different systems contribute to it.
Answer: Homeostasis is crucial because it keeps the body’s internal environment stable despite external changes. For instance, the respiratory system regulates oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, while the excretory system removes wastes to balance fluids. The interplay of various systems, including the nervous system (which monitors changes) and the endocrine system (which releases hormones), is vital for maintaining homeostasis.
Written Explanation:
On the back of your One-Pager or on a separate sheet of paper, write a paragraph (5-6 sentences) explaining what you learned about the body systems.
"I learned that the human body consists of various body systems, each with a unique role in maintaining homeostasis. The muscular system allows for movement, while the circulatory system is essential for transporting blood and nutrients. The respiratory system facilitates gas exchange, ensuring oxygen reaches cells. I realized that all these systems work together as an interconnected network. For example, the nervous system helps control these systems, allowing us to respond to stimuli, which demonstrates the complexity of our body functions. Understanding these systems has shown me how vital they are to our overall health."
Be sure to use 4 required and 6 optional vocabulary words in your explanation.
Final Tips:
Ensure your handwriting is legible and the page is vibrant with color.
Review the rubric to ensure all requirements are met and everything is organized neatly.
Take a good picture of your One-Pager and the written explanation before uploading them.
Good luck, and have fun with your One-Pager!
can you do it? im in a huge rush. no extra formatting
Sure! Here’s a quick and straightforward version of your One-Pager content.
Title: Understanding the Human Body Systems
Border: (Create a border using symbols like hearts for the circulatory system, lungs for the respiratory system, bones for the skeletal system)
Diagram of the human body showing major systems.
Illustration of the heart with labels.
Visual of the lungs with labels.
Vocabulary Words:
Organ System
Muscular System
Respiratory System
Circulatory System
Skeletal System
Nervous System
The circulatory system is made up of the heart, blood vessels, and blood, delivering oxygen and nutrients to cells while removing waste.
The respiratory system enables gas exchange in the lungs, facilitating breathing and maintaining homeostasis.
Higher-Level Questions & Answers:
Question: How does the nervous system interact with the muscular system to produce movement? Answer: The nervous system sends signals from the brain to muscles to contract or relax, allowing voluntary movement like walking or typing. This coordination ensures smooth and efficient movement.
Question: Explain the importance of homeostasis in the human body and how different systems contribute to it. Answer: Homeostasis keeps the body stable despite external changes. The respiratory system regulates gas exchange, while the excretory system removes waste to balance fluids. The nervous and endocrine systems work together to monitor and adjust body functions, maintaining homeostasis.
Written Explanation (to be on the back or a separate sheet):
I learned that the human body consists of various body systems, each playing a critical role in maintaining homeostasis. The muscular system allows for movement, while the circulatory system transports blood and nutrients. The respiratory system is essential for gas exchange, ensuring oxygen reaches cells. All these systems work together as an interconnected network. For instance, the nervous system controls these functions, enabling us to respond to stimuli. Understanding these systems highlights their importance to our overall health.
Just write this out neatly on your page, add your illustrations, and you’ll be all set! Good luck!
no extra formatting, and follow these rules: Student will create a One-Pager to demonstrate knowledge of the body systems in a human. This must be handwritten. *Students that have accommodations, please follow your educational plan. WHAT IS A ONE-PAGER?: A One-Pager is a way of responding to a specific topic in your lessons. It represents your own written and graphic interpretation of what you have learned. It may be very literal (just based on the facts or information of the content) or it may be a symbolic representation of the content. It helps you to visualize what you are learning (examples below) VOCABULARY REQUIRED OPTIONAL (Should use at least 6 for full credit) Homeostasis Cell Nervous System Circulatory System Stimuli Tissue Respiratory System Skeletal System Response Organ Muscular System Digestive System Body System Organ System Excretory System SPECIFIC GUIDELINES AND REQUIREMENTS MINOR REQUIREMENTS: Must be on standard-size, white, unlined computer paper Must fill entire page Writing/text should NOT be in pencil. You can use pen, marker, colored pencil, etc. and it must be legible Use colored pencils, markers, or crayons to color your page. You must use at least 3 colors (pencil/pen does not count) MAJOR REQUIREMENTS (May be arranged on the page anyway you choose): Must include an easy-to-see, creative title that represents the topic Must include a border directly related to the topic Must include 3 pictures (separate from border) Must include 4 required + 6 optional vocabulary words in some context. Underline the vocabulary words you use Must include 2 facts (one each) about different body systems. Label your facts Must include 2 higher-level questions* and answers (hint: check your Connexus lessons for help): *Higher level questions cannot be answered in one or two words, a phrase, or even one sentence. The answer to a higher-level question takes explanation - at least two or more sentences. Example of higher- level question: Explain how you would know whether a galaxy was moving towards or away from the Milky Way. How would the seasons be affected if the Earth was impacted by an asteroid that changed the degree of Earth’s tilt? Non-examples: List the four seasons. What is the definition of absolute magnitude? Must include a written explanation of what you learned on the back of your one pager or on a separate sheet of paper. This should be one paragraph explaining what you learned about body systems (5-6 sentences, 250 words). Be sure to include the 4 required vocab words and an additional 6 from the list above. EVIDENCE OF COMPLETION: Make sure everything on the One-Pager can be read clearly You will need to upload a picture of your one-pager + your written explanation to the drop box on Pearson Online Classroom (Unit 3, Lesson 12) *For convenience, it is a good idea to combine your one-pager and written explanation into one file (although it is not necessary). The combined file can be a Google Doc, Microsoft Word document, Google Slide, or PowerPoint presentation. If you receive an error stating that your file is too big, you will need to save it as a PDF and then upload the PDF to the drop box (ask your teacher if you need help with this) RUBRIC 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point Appearance and organization Neat, clear, shows brainstorming, organization, effort, and creativity Effort is shown but there is room for improvement, info is organized Lacks neatness, shows lack of effort and/or organization Sloppy and disorganized Borders, color, creativity Shows creative, new, and/or original ways to display information Attempts to use creative, new, and/or original way to display information but relies on some expected ways Very few attempts to use creative, new, and/or original ways to display information No attempt to display information in creative, new, and/or original way Vocabulary All words included Missing 1-3 words Missing 4-6 words Missing more than 6 words Pictures Exceeds expectations with extra effort Meets criteria Is missing one or more of the criteria Is missing all of the required criteria Facts/ connections Facts are correct, appropriate, interesting Facts are mostly correct, appropriate, somewhat interesting Some information is correct but there is some that is not correct Facts are not related to the topic or entirely incorrect Higher-level Questions and Answers Relevant to topic, from the appropriate knowledge level, answered About topic, not from appropriate knowledge level, answered Not about topic or from appropriate knowledge level, or not answered Not about topic, appropriate knowledge level, and unanswered EXAMPLES Do NOT try to recreate these One-Pagers. Not only are they the wrong topic but they might not meet all of the guidelines listed above. To print this page you must highlight the text and then right click on the text and select “print”.
Here’s a straightforward outline you can use for your One-Pager on body systems:
Title: Understanding Human Body Systems
Border: Draw a border related to the body, like bones or organs.
Diagram of the human body showing systems (label).
Picture of the heart (showing blood flow).
Picture of the lungs (showing gas exchange).
Vocabulary Words (Underline them):
Organ System
Muscular System
Respiratory System
Circulatory System
Skeletal System
Nervous System
Fact 1: The circulatory system consists of the heart, blood, and blood vessels, and it transports oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.
Fact 2: The respiratory system allows for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs, which is essential for respiration.
Higher-Level Questions & Answers:
Question: How does the nervous system interact with the muscular system to produce movement? Answer: The nervous system sends electrical signals to muscles, telling them when to contract. This interaction is crucial for voluntary movements like walking and using our hands. Without the nervous system, our muscles would not know when or how to move.
Question: Explain the importance of homeostasis in the body and how different systems contribute to it. Answer: Homeostasis is vital for maintaining a stable internal environment in the body. The nervous system detects changes in the environment and sends signals to various systems, such as the circulatory system, which adjusts blood flow, and the excretory system, which regulates waste removal. These systems work together to keep conditions balanced and ensure the body functions effectively.
Written Explanation (on the back):
I learned that the human body requires multiple body systems to function properly. These include the circulatory system, which moves blood; the respiratory system, responsible for gas exchange; and the muscular system, enabling movement. The body aims to maintain homeostasis, which is essential for survival. I realized that these systems are interconnected; for example, the nervous system controls responses to stimuli and helps maintain homeostasis by coordinating activities. Understanding these systems shows how complex and efficient our bodies are at keeping us healthy.
Make sure to write this out clearly, use three or more colors for your illustrations and text, and ensure everything is legible. Good luck with your One-Pager!
dont use these: *
Here’s a simplified version without any formatting symbols:
Title: Understanding Human Body Systems
Border: Draw a border related to the body, like bones or organs.
Diagram of the human body showing systems (label).
Picture of the heart (showing blood flow).
Picture of the lungs (showing gas exchange).
Vocabulary Words (Underline them):
Organ System
Muscular System
Respiratory System
Circulatory System
Skeletal System
Nervous System
The circulatory system consists of the heart, blood, and blood vessels, and it transports oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.
The respiratory system allows for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs, which is essential for respiration.
Higher-Level Questions & Answers:
Question: How does the nervous system interact with the muscular system to produce movement?
Answer: The nervous system sends electrical signals to muscles, telling them when to contract. This interaction is crucial for voluntary movements like walking and using our hands. Without the nervous system, our muscles would not know when or how to move.
Question: Explain the importance of homeostasis in the body and how different systems contribute to it.
Answer: Homeostasis is vital for maintaining a stable internal environment in the body. The nervous system detects changes in the environment and sends signals to various systems, such as the circulatory system, which adjusts blood flow, and the excretory system, which regulates waste removal. These systems work together to keep conditions balanced and ensure the body functions effectively.
Written Explanation (on the back):
I learned that the human body requires multiple body systems to function properly. These include the circulatory system, which moves blood; the respiratory system, responsible for gas exchange; and the muscular system, enabling movement. The body aims to maintain homeostasis, which is essential for survival. I realized that these systems are interconnected; for example, the nervous system controls responses to stimuli and helps maintain homeostasis by coordinating activities. Understanding these systems shows how complex and efficient our bodies are at keeping us healthy.
Make sure to write this out clearly, use three or more colors for your illustrations and text, and ensure everything is legible. Good luck with your One-Pager!
no, you do it
Certainly! Here’s a complete One-Pager for you to copy by hand:
Title: Understanding Human Body Systems
Border: (Draw a border using symbols like bones, hearts, and lungs)
(Draw a diagram of the human body with labeled systems)
(Draw the heart and label its parts)
(Draw the lungs, illustrating gas exchange)
Homeostasis, Cell, Organ System, Muscular System, Respiratory System, Circulatory System, Skeletal System, Nervous System
The circulatory system consists of the heart, blood, and blood vessels, and it transports oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.
The respiratory system allows for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs, which is essential for respiration.
Question: How does the nervous system interact with the muscular system to produce movement?
Answer: The nervous system sends electrical signals to muscles, telling them when to contract. This interaction is crucial for voluntary movements like walking and using our hands. Without the nervous system, our muscles would not know when or how to move.
Question: Explain the importance of homeostasis in the body and how different systems contribute to it.
Answer: Homeostasis is vital for maintaining a stable internal environment in the body. The nervous system detects changes in the environment and sends signals to various systems, such as the circulatory system, which adjusts blood flow, and the excretory system, which regulates waste removal. These systems work together to keep conditions balanced and ensure the body functions effectively.
I learned that the human body requires multiple body systems to function properly. These include the circulatory system, which moves blood; the respiratory system, responsible for gas exchange; and the muscular system, enabling movement. The body aims to maintain homeostasis, which is essential for survival. I realized that these systems are interconnected; for example, the nervous system controls responses to stimuli and helps maintain homeostasis by coordinating activities. Understanding these systems shows how complex and efficient our bodies are at keeping us healthy.
Now you can copy this content neatly by hand onto your One-Pager. Make sure to be creative with your drawings and use at least three colors. Good luck!
remove the **
Sure! Here’s the One-Pager content without any formatting symbols:
Title: Understanding Human Body Systems
Border: (Draw a border using symbols like bones, hearts, and lungs)
(Draw a diagram of the human body with labeled systems)
(Draw the heart and label its parts)
(Draw the lungs, illustrating gas exchange)
Homeostasis, Cell, Organ System, Muscular System, Respiratory System, Circulatory System, Skeletal System, Nervous System
The circulatory system consists of the heart, blood, and blood vessels, and it transports oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.
The respiratory system allows for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs, which is essential for respiration.
Question: How does the nervous system interact with the muscular system to produce movement?
Answer: The nervous system sends electrical signals to muscles, telling them when to contract. This interaction is crucial for voluntary movements like walking and using our hands. Without the nervous system, our muscles would not know when or how to move.
Question: Explain the importance of homeostasis in the body and how different systems contribute to it.
Answer: Homeostasis is vital for maintaining a stable internal environment in the body. The nervous system detects changes in the environment and sends signals to various systems, such as the circulatory system, which adjusts blood flow, and the excretory system, which regulates waste removal. These systems work together to keep conditions balanced and ensure the body functions effectively.
I learned that the human body requires multiple body systems to function properly. These include the circulatory system, which moves blood; the respiratory system, responsible for gas exchange; and the muscular system, enabling movement. The body aims to maintain homeostasis, which is essential for survival. I realized that these systems are interconnected; for example, the nervous system controls responses to stimuli and helps maintain homeostasis by coordinating activities. Understanding these systems shows how complex and efficient our bodies are at keeping us healthy.
Feel free to write this out by hand on your One-Pager. Make sure to be creative with your drawings and use at least three colors. Good luck!