Student number: 2564062
Research topic: Climate change and Business
Source 1 – Citation: McKinnon, A., & Piccardi, C. (2019).Climate change and business: implications for tourism. Journal of Destination
Marketing & Management, 12,
Reasons for selecting this source -
WHO: - The source is authored by Anna Mckinnon and Claudia Piccardi.
- Anna Mckinnon is based at the University of Queensland and is a
renowned expert in the field of tourism and environmental management.
- Claudia Piccardi is a researcher and lecturer in the Department of Business and Economics at the University of
WHAT: - The source discusses the implications of climate change for tourism businesses and destinations.
- The authors highlight the potential threats and challenges that climate change poses to the tourism industry, such as changing consumer behavior and declining destination attractiveness.
-The source suggests that businesses can respond to climate change by adopting sustainable practices, engaging with stakeholders, and collaborating with other businesses and public institutions.
WHEN: - The source was published in the Journal of Destination Marketing & Management in 2019.
WHERE: - The source was published in an academic journal, which suggests that it is grounded in rigorous research and analysis.
HOW: - The authors conducted
a literature review.
Main idea -
- Climate change has significant
implications for the tourism industry.
- Businesses in the tourism industry need to adapt to the changing climate and mitigate their impact on the environment.
- The tourism industry needs to address the ethical and social responsibility aspects of climate change.
- Collaboration and partnerships among various stakeholders in the tourism industry can help address the effects of climate change.
- The tourism industry has a role in spreading awareness and encouraging sustainable behavior among tourists.
Source 2 – by Williams and Dedrick explores how businesses perceive and respond to the risks and opportunities of climate change, highlighting the importance of innovation and stakeholder engagement.
Reasons for selecting this source -
WHO: - The source is authored by Tima Bansal and Jenny Cameron.
- Tima Bansal is based at the Ivey Business School at Western University, and is a leading expert in the field of business sustainability.
- Jenny Cameron is based at the University of Newcastle and has published extensively on sustainability issues.
WHAT: - The source explores how businesses perceive and respond to the risks and opportunities of climate change.
- The authors highlight the importance of innovation and stakeholder engagement in addressing climate change, and provide examples of businesses that have successfully implemented these practices.
WHEN: - The source was published in the academic journal Organization & Environment in 2018.
WHERE: - The source was published in an academic journal, which suggests that it is grounded in rigorous research and analysis.
HOW: - The authors conducted a systematic review of studies that examined the perceptions and responses of businesses to climate change.
- They analyzed the findings from these studies to identify trends and patterns in business approaches to climate change.
WHY: The source was selected because it provides valuable insights into how businesses are responding to climate change and offers evidence-based recommendations for businesses seeking to integrate sustainability into their practices.
- The focus on innovation and stakeholder engagement is particularly relevant, as these are central to effective sustainable business practice.
Main idea -
- Climate change poses risks and opportunities for businesses.
- Adaptation and innovation are crucial for businesses to respond effectively to climate change.
- Stakeholder engagement is important for businesses to understand and address the impacts of climate change.
- Emphasizing innovation and sustainability can provide a competitive advantage to businesses facing the challenges of climate change.
- Businesses need to incorporate a long-term perspective in their decision-making to address the impacts of climate change.
- Adapting to the changing climate can result in cost savings and enhanced reputation for businesses.
Source 3 – by Gretzel et al. discusses the potential ofsmart tourism to support environmental sustainability and enhance the tourism experience for visitors and locals.
Reasons for selecting this source -
Who: The authors of the source are Daniel R. Fesenmaier, Zheng Xiang, and Daniel D. Wang. What: The source discusses the potential of smart tourism to support environmental sustainability and enhance the tourism experience for visitors and locals.
When: The source was published in 2015.
Where: The source was published in the Journal of Destination Marketing & Management.
How: The authors conducted a literature review and conceptual analysis of smart
Why: The authors discuss how smart tourism can contribute to environmental
sustainability by reducing resource consumption and waste generation, and how it can enhance the tourism experience by providing personalized and interactive services to visitors. Overall, they argue that smart tourism has the potential to make the tourism industry more efficient, profitable, and sustainable.
Main idea -
- Technology and innovation can
play a role in addressing the challenges of climate change in the tourism industry.
- Smart tourism can support environmental sustainability and enhance the tourism experience for visitors and locals.
- Stakeholder engagement and collaboration are necessary for the successful implementation of smart tourism initiatives.
- Smart tourism can provide real-time information and feedback to help minimize negative impacts on the environment.
- Smart tourism can aid in the preservation of cultural heritage by enhancing the visitor experience in a sustainable way.
- The incorporation of smart tourism technologies can lead to cost savings for tourism businesses while also addressing sustainability concerns.
Source 4 – by KPMG International
provides a business perspective on
tackling climate change, showcasing
various strategies and examples from
different sectors and regions.
Reasons for selecting this source -
Who: The source is authored by KPMG International, a professional services network providing audit, tax, and advisory services.
What: The source provides a business perspective on tackling climate change, showcasing various strategies and examples from different sectors and regions.
When: The source was published in
Where: The source was published on KPMG International's website.
How: The authors conducted research and analysis on the strategies and examples of businesses that are taking action on climate change. They also used case studies to illustrate successful approaches.
Why: The purpose of the source is to demonstrate that businesses can play a significant role in addressing climate change by implementing innovative practices that reduce emissions, manage risks, and create new opportunities. The source provides insights to help organizations navigate the changing policy and regulatory landscape, engage stakeholders, and build resilience in the face of climaterelated challenges.
Main idea -
- Businesses across sectors and regions
are taking action to address the challenges posed by climate change.
- Collaboration and partnerships are essential for effectively tackling climate change from a business perspective.
- A comprehensive approach that incorporates mitigation, adaptation, and resilience is necessary for longterm success.
- Businesses are adopting innovative solutions and strategies to address climate change, including renewable energy, sustainable supply chains, and carbon pricing.
- Companies are recognizing the importance of integrating climate considerations into their financial strategies and decision-making processes.
- Tackling climate change can result in various benefits for businesses, including cost savings, enhanced reputation, and access to new markets and investors.
Please give literature review in 700-800 words .
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1 answer
The first source by McKinnon and Piccardi (2019) focuses on the implications of climate change for tourism businesses and destinations. The authors discuss the potential threats and challenges that climate change poses to the tourism industry, such as changing consumer behavior and declining destination attractiveness. Furthermore, the authors suggest that businesses can respond to climate change by adopting sustainable practices, engaging with stakeholders, and collaborating with other businesses and public institutions.
Overall, the main idea is that climate change has significant implications for the tourism industry, and businesses in the tourism sector need to adapt to the changing climate and mitigate their impact on the environment.
The second source by Williams and Dedrick explores how businesses perceive and respond to the risks and opportunities of climate change, highlighting the importance of innovation and stakeholder engagement. The authors provide examples of businesses that have successfully implemented these practices and emphasize the need for businesses to incorporate a long-term perspective in their decision-making to address the impacts of climate change. Overall, the main idea is that adaptation and innovation are crucial for businesses to respond effectively to climate change, and stakeholder engagement is essential for businesses to understand and address the impacts of climate change.
The third source by Gretzel et al. discusses the potential of smart tourism to support environmental sustainability and enhance the tourism experience for visitors and locals. The authors argue that smart tourism has the potential to make the tourism industry more efficient, profitable, and sustainable by reducing resource consumption and waste generation. Smart tourism also provides real-time information and feedback to help minimize negative impacts on the environment. Additionally, the incorporation of smart tourism technologies can lead to cost savings for tourism businesses while also addressing sustainability concerns.
Overall, the main idea is that technology and innovation can play a role in addressing the challenges of climate change in the tourism industry.
The fourth source by KPMG International provides a business perspective on tackling climate change, showcasing various strategies and examples from different sectors and regions. The authors discuss how businesses can play a significant role in addressing climate change by implementing innovative practices that reduce emissions, manage risks, and create new opportunities. They also emphasize the need for collaboration and partnerships to effectively tackle climate change from a business perspective. Additionally, the authors highlight that businesses are adopting various innovative solutions and strategies to address climate change, such as renewable energy and sustainable supply chains.
Overall, the main idea is that businesses across sectors and regions are taking action to address the challenges posed by climate change, and a comprehensive approach that incorporates mitigation, adaptation, and resilience is necessary for long-term success.
In conclusion, climate change poses significant challenges for the tourism and business sectors. However, businesses that adopt sustainable practices, innovation, stakeholder engagement, and collaboration can mitigate the impacts of climate change and take advantage of new opportunities. Furthermore, technology and innovation have the potential to support environmental sustainability and enhance the tourism experience for visitors and locals. Overall, effective strategies to address climate change require a comprehensive approach that incorporates mitigation, adaptation, and resilience and a long-term perspective in decision-making.