Structuralist approach and grammar teaching, please put the following to simple English

- It came in the form the Audio-lingual method
•The audio-lingual method
• Learning a language entails mastering the elements (language structures, vocabulary, grammatical rules) or building block of the language.
• Learning a language involves learning the grammatical rules
• Language 'patterns' are identified and drilled until they become a matter of habit.
• Once learners have been drilled in the use of a structure, they can progress with a minimal change to the new structure.

1 answer

The structuralist approach to grammar teaching is seen in the Audio-lingual method. This method focuses on learning the different parts of a language, such as grammar rules and vocabulary. Learners practice these language patterns repeatedly until they become automatic. Once learners have mastered one structure, they can easily move on to learn a new one with minimal difficulty.