Strength of Electrical Forces Quick Check
Question 1: A student observes interactions between two sets of electrically charged objects. In each set, the objects carry either a charge of –1 or +1 Coulomb. Which question can the student ask to identify the set with the stronger interaction?
answer: How far apart are the objects in each interaction?
question 2: Object A has a charge of –1 Coulomb. At a given distance, the object with which charge would be most strongly attracted by object A?
answer: +2 C
question 3: An object with a charge of +1 C is 10 mm from an object with a charge of +1 C. Based on the data in the table, which type and amount of electrical force will there most likely be between the two objects?
answer: repulsive, weak
question 4: How does the magnitude of the electrical charge on objects affect the electric force between them?
answer: As the charge increases, the force increases in strength.
8 answers