Strain B started with a genetic mutation in patient zero that caused them to turn into a zombie. This strain differs from A in that all zombies can infect new people. Zombies infected with strain B can infect 1 person every minute.

how many zombies would there be at 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 11 minutes

1 answer

To calculate the number of zombies at each time interval, we'll need to understand the growth pattern of the infection.

At time 0, there is only one zombie, which is patient zero.

At time 1, patient zero infects 1 new person. So, there are now 2 zombies (patient zero plus the one newly infected).

At time 2, each of the 2 zombies infects 1 person. So, there are now 4 zombies.

At time 3, each of the 4 zombies infects 1 person. So, there are now 8 zombies.

This pattern continues, where the number of zombies doubles every minute:

Time 0: 1 zombie
Time 1: 2 zombies
Time 2: 4 zombies
Time 3: 8 zombies
Time 4: 16 zombies
Time 5: 32 zombies
Time 6: 64 zombies
Time 7: 128 zombies
Time 8: 256 zombies
Time 9: 512 zombies
Time 10: 1024 zombies
Time 11: 2048 zombies

So, at each time interval, there would be 2 to the power of that time's number of minutes as the number of zombies in strain B.