story name: hidden figures

Use context clues to determine the meaning of transmit as it is used in paragraph 9 of Hidden Figures. Write your definition here and identify clues that helped you figure out its meaning.

1 answer

Definition: transmit - to send or communicate information, signals, or data from one person or place to another

Clues that helped determine its meaning:
- "Every time we sneezed, every time we coughed, every time we wrote, whenever I turned in an application, transmitted it, or signed for a receipt, I wondered whether my actions would be met by a line labeled "Colored,""
- The sentence implies that the protagonist is questioning the potential consequences of her actions, highlighting a sense of communication or sending information regarding her race.
- The mention of turning in an application, transmitting it, or signing for a receipt suggests the act of sending or communicating something from one person or place to another.