Richard, a teenager from Kenya, was determined to help save the lions in his community from being hunted at night. With limited access to resources, Richard decided to combine broken materials he had access to in order to create an invention that would address the issue. He used solar panels, car batteries, and LED lights to create a system that would light up the area around the lions’ habitat, deterring poachers from approaching.
This ingenuity and resourcefulness shown by Richard proves that inventors can be successful by combining what they have available with their creativity and determination. In the case of Richard, he was able to make a meaningful impact on his community with limited materials, showing that money and materials are not the only factors necessary to becoming an inventor.
While having access to funding and materials may make the process easier for inventors, the key ingredient to success lies in the ability to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions to problems. Richard’s invention not only helped save the lives of lions but also inspired others in his community to think creatively and make a difference.
In conclusion, Richard’s story serves as a testament to the fact that inventors can be successful by combining what they have with their inventive ideas. Money and materials may facilitate the process, but true innovation comes from a creative mind and a determined spirit.
Story name: A Kenyan Teen’s Discovery: Let There Be Lights to Save Lions
Consider how Richard could create an invention by combining broken materials he had access to with a sudden idea. Do you think that most inventors can be successful this way? Or do you think money and materials are more important to becoming an inventor? Choose a position and develop a 250-word argument using text evidence and inferences from the article.
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