- Buying Flood Insurance: Home/Property Owners
- Designation of Flood Plains: City/County Government
- Drainage Ditch maintenance: City/County Government
- Storm Water Retention Pond requirements/maintenance: City/County Government
- Maintenance of Dams: Federal Government
- Relocating the hot water heater to a higher place in the home: Home/Property Owners
Storm Water Management consists of preventative measures put in place BEFORE flooding events. Drag & Drop flood damage prevention measures to match with the responsible entities (1 point)
Federal Government
City/County Government
Home/Property Owners
Flood Damage! Prevent Steps
Drainage Ditch maintenance
Storm Water Retention Pond requirements/maintenance
Relocating the hotwater heater to higher place in home
Maintenance of Dams
Designation of Flood Plains
Buying Flood Insurance
1 answer