Still on Slide 4, animate the text box as follows to call attention to it: 1

a. Apply the Zoom entrance animation to the text box.

b. Change the Start setting to After Previous.

C. Preview the animations on the slide.

1 answer

To animate the text box on Slide 4 and call attention to it, follow these steps:

1. Select the text box on Slide 4.
2. In the Animations tab, click on the "Add Animation" button in the Animations group.
3. From the drop-down menu, choose the "Zoom" entrance animation. This will make the text box appear with a zoom effect.
4. With the text box still selected, go to the Animation Pane in the Advanced Animation group on the Animations tab (if it's not visible, click on the Animation Pane button to open it).
5. In the Animation Pane, click on the dropdown arrow next to the animation's name (e.g., "Zoom") to expand the settings.
6. Change the Start setting to "After Previous". This will ensure that the animation starts automatically after the previous animation or slide transition finishes.
7. To preview the animations on the slide, click on the "Preview" button in the Preview group on the Animations tab. This will allow you to see the text box animating with the Zoom effect.

Now, when you play the slideshow, the text box on Slide 4 will animate with a Zoom entrance animation and catch the viewer's attention.