Step Three: Create an outline/storyboard.

Remember, your podcast needs to have a clear beginning, middle and end. Use the graphic organizer below to help organize your podcast and what you want to talk about! Think about podcasts you have listened to previously and what their beginning/middle/ends sounded like!

How will you hook your listeners?
Start with an interesting fact or a thought-provoking question related to the topic to grab the listeners' attention.

What do you want to talk about to introduce the topic?
Give a brief overview of what the podcast will be discussing and why it is important or relevant.


This should build on what you said at the beginning of the podcast, but provide much more detail.
Give a deeper explanation of the topic, including any relevant history, statistics, or research.Relate the topic to personal experiences or stories to make it more relatable and engaging for listeners.

What information will you be talking about in the middle of your podcast?
Include expert interviews or guest speakers: If possible, invite experts or people with knowledge on the topic to contribute their insights and opinions.


The ending of your podcast should give the listener closure and wrap up what you were talking about. Remember you only have five minutes-- give yourself enough time to have a good ending!
Recap the key points discussed in the podcast to remind listeners of what they have learned.
- Conclude with a call to action or reflection: Encourage listeners to take action, think about the topic further, or consider how it impacts their lives.
How do you want to end your podcast?

Step Four: Research!

After you outline your podcast above, you may need to do further research on a topic.

For example, let’s say you are talking about how Pokemon Go is a great app for exercise and socializing. After you break up your beginning, middle, and end, you may realize that you need to find some more facts about the app. Like when it was created and who created it. That would be perfect to add to your introduction. You can then add these details to your podcast outline above!

Use the table below to organize your research!

Questions I need to research:
Answers to questions:
This information belongs in the (beginning/middle/or end) of my podcast



*tip: you may have more questions that you have to find answers to. Add a row to the table above for each additional question you have!*

1 answer

Questions I need to research:
1. What are some interesting facts about the topic to hook the listeners?
2. What is the background/history of the topic?
3. Are there any relevant statistics or research related to the topic?
4. Are there any personal stories or experiences related to the topic that I can share?
5. Are there any expert interviews or guest speakers I can include?

Answers to questions:
1. Interesting fact: Did you know that Coca-Cola was originally green in color?
2. Background/history: Coca-Cola was created in 1886 by John Pemberton.
3. Statistics/research: According to a study, Coca-Cola is the world's second-most recognized word after "okay."
4. Personal story: I have fond memories of drinking Coca-Cola at family gatherings during my childhood.
5. Expert interview: I will invite a nutritionist to share insights on the impact of sugary drinks like Coca-Cola on our health.

This information belongs in the (beginning/middle/or end) of my podcast:
1. Interesting fact: Beginning
2. Background/history: Beginning
3. Statistics/research: Middle
4. Personal story: Middle
5. Expert interview: Middle/End (transition from middle to end)

*tip: you may have more questions that you have to find answers to. Add a row to the table above for each additional question you have!*