STEP 3: Select a example friendship is sinking,

thoughtful paragraphs to explain the connections in more depth.
Remember, your paragraphs should have strong topic sentences,
supporting details, figurative language and direct quotes from the
video clip to create in depth and thought provoking connections.

1 answer

Example: In the video clip, we see the friendship between Sophie and Emma sinking as they confront their differences and misunderstandings. One example of this is when Sophie accuses Emma of being selfish for not considering her feelings when making plans. This accusation reveals a deeper issue in their friendship – a lack of communication and understanding. Sophie feels neglected and hurt because she believes Emma is only thinking about herself. This lack of consideration is like a sinking ship, as it creates a distance between the two friends and weakens their bond. As Sophie angrily expresses, "I can't believe you didn't think about me! It's like you don't care at all!" This quote highlights the depth of Sophie's emotions and her feeling of being overlooked, which further contributes to the sinking of their friendship.

Another instance that showcases the sinking nature of their friendship is when Emma tries to defend herself by explaining that she didn't intentionally ignore Sophie's feelings. Emma argues, "I didn't even know you wanted to go to that party! You never told me." This quote exposes a lack of effective communication between Sophie and Emma. Despite spending a significant amount of time together, they clearly haven't developed a strong enough connection to openly express their desires and needs. This breakdown in communication is analogous to a leaking boat, where the absence of clear and open communication creates holes in their friendship, causing it to slowly sink deeper into despair.

Moreover, the sinking of their friendship is also evident in the non-verbal cues displayed by Sophie and Emma. Throughout the video clip, they both wear pained expressions and avoid eye contact, signaling their unease and discomfort with each other. These non-verbal cues speak volumes about the deterioration of their friendship, as they unable to even look at each other without feeling hurt or let down. Their body language reflects a sense of sinking, as if they are slowly being pulled apart by the weight of their differences and misunderstanding.

Overall, the sinking of Sophie and Emma's friendship is not only marked by their arguments and accusations but also by a lack of communication, understanding, and subtle non-verbal cues. These elements intertwine to create a strong sense of sinking, like a ship gradually being pulled under the surface of the water. The depth of their emotions, the breakdown of communication, and the non-verbal cues all contribute to the sinking of their once strong friendship.