Step 3: Read the section below for the case study’s instructions and guidelines

This case study aims to showcase your understanding of the following LFSL 4810 outcomes:
Facilitate first-year students’ research and writing skills through the use of online tools;
Evaluate the need for ethical conduct of an LLB graduate and a legal professional/practitioner in promoting social justice.
Purpose of this assessment:
The aim of this case study is to assess your written communication skills, ethical judgment, and the practical application of academic facilitation using student feedback.
In doing so, it is important to recall the best approaches and methods that were discussed in themes 1 and 2.

This case study’s instructions: (The main purpose and objective of the reflective essay)
You are an academic facilitator for a 1st year module, Introduction to Law and Legal Skills. The students enrolled for the module completed their last assignment and had to submit their final draft to Turnitin. The lecturer informs you that the students struggled quite a lot to complete the assignment seeing that it is the first time that they completed such a comprehensive piece of work at university. Considering this, you access Turnitin and review their submitted work. Use their Turnitin report, inclusive of their similarity score and the AI score. Use the content included in the report and explain how you would go about to assist the students with their research and writing skills. It is not necessary to assign a grade. Instead, focus on the writing and the research that went into drafting the student’s submitted “mock assignment”.
Use the information and, by way of a reflective essay, explain to the 1st year student if the content meets the standards of an academic law assignment. Emphasise both the academic approach to writing academically and the ethical considerations when using sources.
You must limit your answer to a maximum of 4 pages. Your reflective essay must include the following: (1 page each)
A description of your initial impressions.
Discuss the feedback that you will provide to the 1st year student.
A reflection on the challenges you faced (if any) in providing ethical and educational feedback without discouraging the student. If you did not experience any challenges, explain why.
How this assignment has influenced your own understanding of the role of feedback in education.

Additional instrruction:
This is a reflective essay, you therefore do not need to include footnotes or substantiate your arguments. The purpose of writing this reflective essay is thefore to provide you with a platform to reflect on your experience in this module and to explore how it has changed the way you view academic facilitation in law modules.
NB notice regarding generative AI (GAI):
For this assignment, you are permitted to use GAI tools to assist with the following :
Brainstorming and refining your ideas;
Drafting an outline to organise your thoughts; and/or
Proofreading and language editing after the content is written.
You are responsible for the content you submit based on a GAI prompt. Ensure that it does not violate intellectual property laws, contain misinformation, or include unethical content. It is highly advisable to keep a record of how you use GAI tools and retaining a copy of your original work is recommended if requested by your lecturer.
Any use of GAI tools must be clearly cited or acknowledged in your assignment to comply with the UFS Policy on Preventing and Dealing with Plagiarism and adhere to the Faculty of Law Code of Ethics.See the citation examples below.
Attach the updated version of the "Declaration of Own Work" ( DECLARATION OF OWN WORK 2024 (AI).docx Click for more options ) and complete the section regarding GAI use. Non-compliance with these guidelines may result in penalties or academic misconduct that infringes the academic integrity of your submitted work.

The reflective essay will be assessed using the following rubric:
Assessment rubric:
Content (40 points)
Initial impressions (0-10 points): Clearly describes first reactions to the Turnitin reports, including specific observations about similarity scores and AI scores.
Feedback approach (0-10 points): Detailed discussion on the type of feedback to be provided, addressing both strengths and weaknesses in the student's work.
Reflection on challenges (0-10 points): Insightfully reflects on any challenges faced during the feedback process, including ethical considerations and maintaining student motivation.
Influence of assignment (0-10 points): Explores how the experience has affected the facilitator’s perspective on the role and importance of feedback in education.
Analysis and application (30 points)
Insightfulness (0-15 points): Demonstrates deep understanding of academic writing and ethical source usage, particularly in the context of law education.
Critical thinking (0-15 points): Engages with the complexities of providing constructive feedback, including balancing criticism with encouragement and the impact of feedback on student learning.
Structure and organisation (15 points)
Clarity (0-5 points): Information is presented clearly and logically, with each section flowing smoothly into the next.
Page limit and focus (0-10 points): Stays within the four-page limit, with each page dedicated to the specified topics without redundancy.
Writing quality (15 points)
Grammar and syntax (5 points): Uses proper grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.
Style and tone (10 points): Maintains a reflective and professional tone suitable for an academic facilitator; effectively communicates the complexities and responsibilities involved in the feedback process.
Total Points: 100

1 answer

It is important to carefully read through the case study instructions and guidelines provided in order to understand the specific requirements and expectations for the reflective essay. Pay close attention to the key components such as initial impressions, feedback approach, reflection on challenges, influence of the assignment, analysis and application, structure and organization, and writing quality, as these will be used to assess your work.

Make sure to follow the instructions regarding the use of generative AI tools, if applicable, and cite or acknowledge them appropriately in your assignment. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in penalties or academic misconduct.

As you work on your reflective essay, remember that the purpose is to reflect on your experience in the module and explore how it has shaped your views on academic facilitation in law modules. Consider the ethical considerations involved in providing feedback to students and strive to maintain a balance between constructive criticism and encouragement.

Ensure that your writing is clear, well-organized, and adheres to the specified page limit. Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure to demonstrate your writing skills effectively. Maintain a reflective and professional tone throughout the essay, addressing the complexities and responsibilities associated with providing feedback in education.

By carefully following the guidelines and focusing on the key components outlined in the assessment rubric, you can effectively showcase your understanding of the LFSL 4810 outcomes and demonstrate your written communication skills, ethical judgment, and practical application of academic facilitation.