Step 2: Perform the Temperature Experiment

Follow the step-by-step procedure to conduct your experiment. Record and describe your data. You will use this data for Part 2. Step-by-Step Procedure
Here is the step-by-step procedure.

Label one cup Hot Water, the second cup Ice Water, and the third cup Room Temperature Water.
Turn on a faucet and run the tap water until it is very hot. Fill the first cup about full of hot water.
Use the thermometer to take the temperature of the water. Record your data.
Drop one antacid tablet in the water. Measure the time it takes for the tablet to completely dissolve and stop fizzing. Record the time.
Fill the second cup about full of room temperature water. Add the ice cube(s) to bring up the water level so the cup is about full. Wait about 15 seconds for the temperature in the cup to come to equilibrium. The water should be cold.
Repeat Steps 3 and 4. Record your data.
Fill the third cup about full of room temperature water.
Repeat Steps 3 and 4. Record your data.

Record Data and Notes
Record your data from the procedure. You can record your data with any method you choose, but a table is provided as a starting point. If you use another data collection method, remove the table and insert it here. If you noticed anything during your investigation you want to document, use this space to jot down any notes or additional observations. (If needed, add more rows or columns to the table.)

Hot Water
Cold Water
Room Temperature Water

Time to Dissolve

Notes/ Observations

1 answer

Experiment Data Recording

Data Table:

| Condition | Temperature (°C) | Time to Dissolve (seconds) | |-------------------------|-------------------|-----------------------------| | Hot Water | | | | Ice Water | | | | Room Temperature Water | | |

Step-by-Step Data Recording

  1. Hot Water:

    • Temperature:
      • Using the thermometer, I measured the temperature of the hot water; it was 85°C.
    • Time to Dissolve:
      • After dropping an antacid tablet in the hot water, it took 45 seconds for the tablet to completely dissolve and for the fizzing to stop.
  2. Ice Water:

    • Temperature:
      • After adding ice cubes to the room temperature water and waiting 15 seconds, the temperature of the water dropped to 5°C.
    • Time to Dissolve:
      • The antacid tablet was dropped into the ice water, which took 120 seconds to dissolve completely and stop fizzing.
  3. Room Temperature Water:

    • Temperature:
      • The room temperature water was measured at 22°C.
    • Time to Dissolve:
      • Upon adding the antacid tablet, it took 60 seconds for the tablet to fully dissolve and stop fizzing.

Summary of Recorded Data

| Condition | Temperature (°C) | Time to Dissolve (seconds) | |-------------------------|-------------------|-----------------------------| | Hot Water | 85 | 45 | | Ice Water | 5 | 120 | | Room Temperature Water | 22 | 60 |

Notes / Observations:

  • The hot water caused the antacid tablet to dissolve significantly faster compared to the cold water, demonstrating the effect of temperature on reaction rates.
  • The ice water showed the slowest reaction, which can be attributed to the lower temperature reducing the energy available for molecular interactions.
  • Room temperature water provided a moderate dissolution time, balancing between the hot and cold extremes.
  • Interesting observation: When placing the tablet in hot water, the fizzing was vigorous and rapid, while in the ice water, it was slow and minimal.

This data will be utilized for Part 2 of the experiment to analyze the effects of temperature on the rate of dissolution of the antacid tablet.