Have you done this?
Step 1: Review these videos from your lessons
Have you done this?
if you need help with completing the lab report - Step One: Ask a Question, Step Two: Form a Hypothesis, Step Three: Design and Conduct an Experiment, Design, Experiment, Record, Step Four: Analyze the Results of an Experiment, Step Five: Draw a Conclusion
Step 1: Review these videos from your lessons if you need help with completing the lab report - Step One: Ask a Question, Step Two: Form a Hypothesis, Step Three: Design and Conduct an Experiment, Design, Experiment, Record, Step Four: Analyze the Results of an Experiment, Step Five: Draw a Conclusion
Step 2: Plan and carry out your Experimenting with Motion portfolio. Type your information directly onto this document.
Step 3 Save this doc as FirstNameLastName-Motion portfolio
Essential Question: How does the height at which a ramp is placed affect the time it takes for a marble to reach the bottom of that ramp?
Independent Variable:
Dependent Variable:
Safety Procedures:
Data table:
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average
Height of ramp:
Height of ramp:
Height of ramp:
(I dont know what to do)
1 answer