Step 1: Review the following sources to begin to understand the causes and effects the Civil Rights Movement

Source 1 Teaching Hard History Slavery Key Concept 4
Source 2-Teaching Hard History Slavery Key Concept 8
Source 3 The Thirteenth Amendment. An End to American Slavery
Source 4-We Shall Overcome Lyrics
Source 5-Harlem by Langston Hughes
Source 6-Emmett Till's Death Inspired a Movement
Source 7-Rosa Parks Explained
Source B-Massacres in US History
Source 9-Prison Policy initiative
Brainstorm a list (at least three) of the following based on your critical reading of the sources above.
3 Important Events that illustrate the movement
3 Factors that lead to the Civil Rights Movement
Effects of the Civil Rights Movement Select 2 effects that are directly tied to the causes established in the sources provided in Step 1 (ie voting rights, protests, criminal justice reform, etc.). Include the source name and MLA citation with it
Based on your research pathway, what claim will your paper prove? This will be your thesis statement.
1 What is your main conclusion about your topic?
2 What is the main argument for your conclusion?
3 Combine the two previous responses to create your thesis statement here
4 Write a synthesis essay on civil rights movement from above sources

1 answer

3 Important Events that illustrate the movement:
1. Rosa Parks' refusal to give up her seat on a Montgomery bus in 1955
2. The murder of Emmett Till in 1955
3. The passing of the Thirteenth Amendment in 1865

3 Factors that lead to the Civil Rights Movement:
1. Segregation and discrimination against African Americans
2. Lack of civil rights and equal opportunities for African Americans
3. The influence of civil rights activists and leaders like Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr.

Effects of the Civil Rights Movement:
1. Voting rights for African Americans - Source 1 Teaching Hard History Slavery Key Concept 4 (Teaching Tolerance)
2. Criminal justice reform - Source 9 Prison Policy Initiative

Thesis statement: The Civil Rights Movement was a pivotal moment in American history that led to significant changes in voting rights for African Americans and sparked the need for criminal justice reform, as seen in the sources reviewed.

Synthesis Essay:
The Civil Rights Movement in the United States was a critical period in history that brought about major changes and advancements for African Americans. From the struggles of slavery as detailed in Teaching Hard History Slavery Key Concepts 4 and 8, to the monumental passing of the Thirteenth Amendment in 1865, the movement was fueled by years of oppression and discrimination. Events like Rosa Parks' refusal to give up her seat on a Montgomery bus in 1955 and the tragic murder of Emmett Till that same year served as catalysts for change, inspiring generations to fight for equal rights and opportunities. The movement also brought about significant effects, such as voting rights for African Americans as highlighted in Source 1, and the need for criminal justice reform as discussed in Source 9. Overall, the Civil Rights Movement proved to be a turning point in American history, paving the way for greater equality and justice for all.