Step 1: Make a Plan

Create a research plan in a word processing document. Be sure to include all of the steps we talked about above.

Step 2: List Your Searches
In addition to your research plan, include at least three specific searches that you typed into Google, Bing, or another search engine of your choosing.

Step 3: Write and Send
Write a paragraph about your topic and send it to a friend or family member using a form of online communication. You might choose an email, instant message, social media post, or another format. Make sure your paragraph is professional and does not include spelling or grammar mistakes.

Step 4: Save a Screenshot
Take a screenshot of your online communication and paste it into your word processing document. Submit your document using this unit’s dropbox.

can you plan it for a goggle slide

1 answer

Certainly! Here's how you can plan it for a Google Slide:

Step 1: Create a new Google Slide presentation and title it "Research Plan".
- Slide 1: Title slide - "Research Plan".
- Slide 2: Introduction - Briefly explain the purpose of the research and why it is important.
- Slide 3: Research Objective - Clearly state the main objective or question that you want to answer through your research.
- Slide 4: Research Methods - Outline the specific steps you will take to gather information, such as using search engines, reading books/articles, conducting surveys, etc.
- Slide 5: Search Keywords - List at least three specific searches that you will type into a search engine.
- Slide 6: Research Timeline - Include a timeline with deadlines for each research task.
- Slide 7: Communication - Mention the online communication format you will use to send a paragraph about your topic to a friend or family member.
- Slide 8: Conclusion - Summarize the expected outcome of your research and how it will contribute to your knowledge or field of study.

Step 2: On Slide 5, list three specific searches that you will type into a search engine.
- For example: "Effects of climate change on biodiversity", "Sustainable energy solutions for transportation", "Advantages and disadvantages of genetically modified organisms".

Step 3: On Slide 7, mention the online communication format you will use and write a paragraph about your topic. Make sure it is professional and free of spelling or grammar mistakes.

Step 4: Save a screenshot of your Google Slide presentation and paste it into a word processing document.

Once you have completed these steps, you can submit the word processing document containing the screenshot of your Google Slide presentation through the designated dropbox for this unit.