Statement: Five prominent Democratic senators support a new farm bill.
Assuming the above statement is true, what conclusions can you draw? From the list below, circle the conclusions that MUST be true, cross out the conclusions that CANNOT be true. If the conclusion can be either true or false, leave it untouched.A-L Thank you
A. All Democrats support the new farm bill.
B. Some Democrats support the new farm bill.
C. All Democrats oppose the new farm bill.
D. Some Democrats oppose the new farm bill.
E. All Republicans support the new farm bill.
F. Some Republicans support the new farm bill.
G. All Republicans oppose the new farm bill.
H. Some Republicans oppose the new farm bill.
I. All senators support the new farm bill.
J. Some senators support the new farm bill.
K. All senators oppose the new farm bill.
L. Some senators oppose the new farm bill.
2 answers
A. Either
B. Must