State whether the infinitive in each sentence function as a noun, adjective or adverb.

1.The retirees want to spend summer far from the city.
2.Tricia plans to take a trip to Baler.
3.To see the underground river is Marissa's wish.
4.Lara prefers to visit her mother in Australia.
5.Bryan told the family to decide as early as possible.

10 answers
Read and study this carefully.

I'll do the first one for you; then you let us know what you think about the others.

1. "to spend" = direct object of the verb "want"
I disagree with you on 2, 4, and 5.
2,4,5. Noun
Is albert correct writeacher?

Please keep the same name for your posts.

Also -- why were you in 4th grade last night and in 3rd grade today?
Nope. I don't know who's albert he just posts his answer to my question.
But how 'bout the words far and early, they modify verbs.
Rubens/Albert -- you're posting from the same internet provider address. Please don't try to fool us with your deceptions.
I think it's a coincidence. I am in a computer shop.