1. One of the essential characteristics of negotiation is that it is not an explicit and
deliberant event.
2. Essential services include air traffic control services, health services, labour services and
water services etc.
3. One of the roles of an employer is that of provision of employment.
4. Substantive agreement deals with specific issues, such as basic pay, overtime, bonus
arrangements, hours of work etc.
5. Mediation refers to the act of procuring good will.
6. Once an employee is dismissed from work, he/ she can challenge the decision.
7. Redundancy is a polite way of dismissal, where the employer no longer requires the
services of the employee.
8. Skills in negotiations include presentation skills, persuasion skills, and writing skills.
9. The arbitrator may vary and rescind an award if it was made as result of a mistake
common to the parties to the proceedings.
10. Three parties in the tripartite system are the workers, Trade union and Employers.
1 answer
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. False
6. True
7. True
8. True
9. True
10. True