I will just do two dimensions for demo
A dot (B+C) = AxBx + Ax Cx + AyBy + AyCy
does that equal
AxBx+AyBy + AxCx+AyCy
Yes, it does
A X (B+C) = A X (Bx+Cx)i +(By+Cy)j
i j k
Ax Ay 0
(Bx+Cx) (By+Cy) 0
find determinant
[Ax(By+Cy) - Ay(Bx+Cx) ]k
k direction of course
[ AxBy + AxCy - AyBx - AyCx ]k
is that the same as
A X B + A X C ???
[ AxBy-AyBx +AxCy-AyCx] k
YES, the same
No way !!!
on left is a vector, on right is a scalar. in fact you can not even do the operation on the left which is a vector cross a scalar.
State whether or not the following statements are true. Justify your reasoning.?
a. Vector a • (Vector b + Vector c) = Vector a • Vector b + Vector a • Vector c
b. Vector a × (Vector b + Vector c) = Vector a × Vector b + Vector a × Vector c
c. Vector a × (Vector b • Vector c) = Vector a × Vector b • Vector a × Vector c
Any help is appreciated.
2 answers
Q: What do you get when you cross a mosquito with a mountain climber?
A: Nothing -- you cannot cross a vector and a scaler.
A: Nothing -- you cannot cross a vector and a scaler.